DataFed - A Scientific Data Federation
Welcome to DataFed

Version 2024.

DataFed is a distributed scientific data management system that enhances both research productivity and scientific reproducibility by easing the burdens associated with properly collecting and handling research data.

DataFed is domain-agnostic and FAIR-principled and provides simple and uniform data access, organization, discovery, and sharing capabilities within (and across) scientific facilities. DataFed federates user accounts and data storage resources administered by individual facilities and leverages Globus for high-performance, reliable, and secure data transport.

The end result is a virtual "scientific data federation" that enables seamless data access and management within and across member facilities.


DataFed registration is free, but a Globus account with a linked GlobusID identity is required to access DataFed. If you don't have a Globus account, or haven't linked a GlobusID identity, please sign-up (for free) at then return to this page to register for DataFed access. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the DataFed "Getting Started" guide.

DataFed is for open data, fundamental research and/or open-source applications and does not meet requirements for protecting HIPAA/ITAR, sensitive, proprietary or other controlled unclassified information.